
The name of business                  :  Kedai Kembung
Eshtablisment                              : Culinary
Business location                         :  Around of UNNES

We founded the business which will be in the culinary field. A  place to drink that offers comfort with quality and affordable price for students.
this place  will we build with  named "kedai Kembung" which the concept from "Kedai" with the style and design that will be tailored to the style of young people today.
The  reason the word "Kembung" is because when we finished our drink, we will feel "bloated". That's the reason for the use of this name.
Kedai Kembung is a small cafe with comfort to us. We make this cafe with simple concept without reducing the quality our product. Our priority product are various of drinks and snacks. Our targeting costumers are begin children, teenagers, adult and all of people.
With modern concept and simple style, this cafe suitable to get gathering club, group, family etc.


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